Pennsic Scholarship Program 

The Idea:

The Pennsic Scholarship Program is a way to help everyone enjoy Pennsic through helping others. 

For some of us, set up and tear down is getting a little harder.  We still want to enjoy our Pennsic, but the thought of setting up and packing out is too much.  For others, the cost of Pennsic is too much.   So how do we fix this?   We find those who can't afford Pennsic but are willing to help set up and break down, and match them with those need the extra help.  Keep in mind that you do not have to be in need to sponsor someone to Pennsic!  You may just want extra help setting up.  Maybe you want someone to help carry your armor to and from the field?  Maybe you want someone to do your camp chores for you?  Or maybe you just need a ride to and from Pennsic?   

How Do I Sign Up ?

If you are interested in participating in the Pennsic Scholarship Program as either a sponsor or you are looking to be sponsored, please fill out the form below.  A list will be made and those willing to participate will be added to this website.  

Also if you would like to just donate to a Scholarship, fill out the form.  This way we can get as many people to Pennsic and have a much better time!

Pennsic Scholarship Form